Treatment without tooth extraction
Example of treatment (Crown lengthening)

When tooth decay extends below the gum line, crown lengthening is performed to push the gum slightly down and to expose the tooth. Unlike extrusion, it deals with the situation when only part of root is under gums.

This photograph is before the treatment. The patient came to our clinic to get a second opinion after being told that the tooth had to be removed. We decided to perform crown lengthening because the root was still stable.


The second photograph shows a foundation of crown after crown lengthening. We uncovered a large portion of the healthy tooth and successfully completed an esthetic crown restoration.

Example of treatment (Crown lengthening)
before treatment
Before treatment

This patient came to our clinic to avoid a denture or bridge after being told that the tooth had to be removed. He ignored a severe cavity for a long time.

Although the tooth appears to be lost, most of the roots and born still remain under the gum. We decided to save the tooth by a crown lengthening procedure. Microscopic endodontic treatment at the root tips were also provided.

during treatment
During treatment
After treatment
after treatment

The second photograph shows a fiber-resin core inserted to sustain the roots. The cavity was so severe that the root was already divided into two parts. Thus, we decided to treat the tooth as two separate teeth.

Because only a short length of the roots was left, the teeth were sustained by connecting to the back tooth. The patient was very pleased to get the strong teeth back without extraction. Crown lengthening can improve patient comfort that a denture or bridge cannot.

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