FAQ: Treatment without tooth extraction
Cracked tooth

Question: I was told that my cracked tooth had to be removed. Is there any way to save the tooth?

Answer: It all depends on the conditions, but it may be possible to save the tooth. Treatments include inserting a fiber-resin core crown after minor gum surgery such as crown lengthening.

Click here to read more about crown lengthening treatment

Click here to read more about fiber-resin core crowns

Deep decay

Question: I was told that a tooth had to be removed due to deep decay. Is it possible to save the tooth?

Answer: It all depends on the conditions, but it may be possible to save the tooth. Treatments include inserting a fiber-resin core crown after minor gum surgery such as crown lengthening.

Click here to read more about crown lengthening treatment

Root disease

Question: I do not want to lose my tooth, but my dentist told me that I could not avoid it because pus has accumulated at the tips of the tooth. Can you save the tooth?

Answer: It is possible, but we have to examine your tooth and roots to assess your condition. An endodntist, who is specialized in root diseases, conducts microscopic treatment and treats many cases without tooth extraction.

Click here to read more about microscopic treatment

Bone loss

Question: My dentist told me that a tooth had to be pulled out because of bone loss around the tooth. Is there any way to save the tooth?

Answer: Whether it is possible or not varies by each case. Treatment such as an implant-supported bridge after minor gum surgery may be possible for your case. Our first consultation will help you understand treatment options.


Question: I was told that a tooth had to be removed due to gingivitis. Is it possible to avoid losing the tooth?

Answer: It depends on the condition of the tooth and gum, but it is possible. We may be able to save the tooth with a crown or other methods after treating the gum.

Wisdom teeth

Question: I was told that wisdom teeth should be removed, but I do not want to pull out any teeth. Do all wisdom teeth need to be removed?

Answer: Not all wisdom teeth must be removed, but it would be better to pull them out in some cases including

・Pain is associated with a wisdom tooth;

・A wisdom tooth cavity causes another cavity in the next tooth;

・A cavity in a wisdom tooth cannot be treated due to the way that it grows; and

・A wisdom tooth causes swollen gums.

In some cases, however, it is better not to remove them.

Cavities in a wisdom tooth

Question: My wisdom tooth has a cavity. My dentist told me that it should be removed instead of wasting time for treatment, but I would like to avoid taking out any teeth. Can you treat the wisdom tooth?

Answer: It depends on how the wisdom tooth grows. If it grows at an awkward angle, it would probably be better to remove it.

Duration of treatment

Question: How long does it take to complete treatment without extraction?

Answer: It varies by each individual case, but it usually takes about one to three months.

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